
"I Don't Need an Analyst, I Need Lost & Found."

In the 1975 film "Prisoner of Second Avenue," starring Jack Lemmon and Anne Bancroft, Lemmon's character shouts, "I don't need an analyst, I need lost & found." I thought how profound.

This was in the midst of Lemmon's character having a nervous breakdown. In the 70's we weren't as advanced in the understanding of neuroses as we are today. I believe we're all suffering from some form of a nervous breakdown.

I'm merely observing human behavior from both verbal and non-verbal cues. It must be exhausting for some people to feel "on" all the time. In the field of work I'm in, I've witnessed this behavior. No wonder comedians are such a depressed lot. I'm generalizing.

Everyone needs a safe haven to be themselves. I think we're becoming blurry human beings. It's increasingly more difficult to "turn it off." Of course it's unfair of me to pigeon hole people.

This got me thinking. I just came back from the gym.  In the change room two women were having a conversation about men. How to "find" the "right" man. The one woman; slim, barbie doll-like, breast implants (obvious), blonde hair, and fake plump lips, maybe in her 40's, late 30's. Who the hell knows anymore. Let's call her Barbie. Barbie is clearly between men. She's giving advice to a 28 yr. old woman. I know because Barbie asked her, her age. She's speaking as if men were objects. I was surprised and disappointed that people still think and talk in this manner. Barbie told her, "Get a financial analyst who has lots of money, is stable and .... blah, blah, blah." The 28 yr. old replied, "Oh, and he has to be athletic. I like active men." So, as they are bantering back and forth Barbie says, "Make sure you don't go for eye candy because they can be trouble. However, if you're just looking to have fun, then fine, as you can just toss them and move on." This may sound sexist, but for  second I thought I was in the men's change room.

I could see the 28 yr. old woman becoming more and more uncomfortable as Barbie continued ranting about men. Clearly Barbie has not had wonderful relationships. Intimidated, the 28 yr. old felt she couldn't convey her real feelings. Chances are the 28 yr. old is going to see this woman again at the gym, and doesn't want it to be awkward. She wants to be liked. Barbie did say she would be on the look-out for a man for her. The 28 yr. old thought it couldn't hurt. I just don't get the conversations people have these days. I'd like to be in a world farther apart from the animal kingdom; be in a more sophisticated world.  I don't think it's going to happen within my lifetime.

I'm going to the art gallery now, and look at some beautiful art.

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  1. A second try at a comment. If it repeats, I did something wrong. Anyway, I not surprised at Barbie's inability tot find a satisfying, lasting relationship. She isn't looking for one.

  2. I really like your style: ) I too wish that people felt safe to relax and become more aware of themselves and others. I'm just know learning that it is important to sleep 8 hours everyday; who knew?

  3. great movie great blog enjoyed every word
