
Energy When it Flows

This week has been quite interesting.

Have you ever had a week where you exude energy that you hadn't felt in a while? It's quite refreshing, and truly welcomed - especially in the depth of winter.

Well that was this week. My creative energies flowed in a way where I felt I could do anything. Not even negative energy could repel my plate of magic armor.

What a wonderful feeling. I hope it comes back to motivate me for another day! I'm convinced it will. Just as I'm convinced that I'm starting to recognize, and I must admit I'm surprised it's taken me this long to figure it out, that I morph into a different person when I start to speak about something I'm passionate about. I didn't realize it was passion. I just knew I ignited a spark within. I kind of dismissed it as I'm generally an enthusiastic person and therefore this was me just being me - but NO, it's wasn't - it was more powerful then that!

So I encourage you to do your own assessment of yourself. Take notice of what jives you. It may not be as overt as I demonstrated to myself by literally jumping up and down when I'm excited (it's rather embarrassing), and yet it doesn't mean that it's not there in you! Perhaps you linger in a conversation that you find interesting - take notice - ask yourself: What are you talking about? What is the subject that is peaking your interest?

It's remarkable just how disconnected we are from oneself where we lose sight of the little nuances that place us apart from our day to day, rather then bringing us to, "Wow, I love that" kind of emotion that drives passion.

Think about it. I did, and I had a fabulously creative and happy week.

Here's hoping your coming week is just as fabulous!

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1 comment:

  1. I found myself in a routine rut without realizing it. You get caught in the habitual practices of life but forget to stop and smell the flowers. Now that I realize that life is short I want to spend it fully aware and alive. I'm tired of being tired.
