
Gotta Get A Grip

I know myself well enough to know that I fall into patterns. I know it's coming, I even tell myself that I'm being ridiculous. The feeling is fast approaching. I have a hard time not letting it bother me.

It's my undeniable urge to want to feel in control of things. When work piles up and projects come at me left, right and center I need to know that I have control over the speed, pace and timing. I'm happy to follow constructive suggestions and can meet deadlines in a single bound, but lately others are suggesting the pace. I wouldn't mind if I trusted their abilities, but they haven't proven otherwise.

I'm working in an environment with "quick draw McGraw's" - reactionary people. There's no rhyme or reason to their irrational madness. If I take a moment, it's actually quite comical.

It's frustrating for me to get so worked up over the small stuff. I'm usually a happy-go-lucky person. I need to get back into my regular yoga practice.

Kidding aside, my struggle lies with my own feelings of trying to rationalize my own day to day "safe" life with its meager problems and petty situations, to those living in underdeveloped Countries just trying to survive day to day.

I need to put things into perspective. This is my reality. I know how fortunate I am.

This has just been one of those days.

I've got to get a grip.

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