I know myself well enough to know that I fall into patterns. I know it's coming, I even tell myself that I'm being ridiculous. The feeling is fast approaching. I have a hard time not letting it bother me.
Gotta Get A Grip
Write a Prescription
If I were your Doctor and were to write you a prescription it would be based on a question that I would first ask you. "What is it that you really enjoy doing?" You reply by saying " I love to paint on canvas." I would then prescribe (on my official prescription pad) "Do more painting, and see me in 6 months."
The Irony of It All
I'm clicking between 2 channels: the Red Bull Crashed Ice race, and the 1972 film "Slaughter House - Five."
On a Simple Note ...
There is nothing sweeter then booking a vacation.
Baby, it's Cold Outside ...
It's dark and cold outside. My immediate impulse was to post a smile pic. Interesting how we choose to handle feelings, circumstances, and situations. I could have posted a dark, gloomy photo. That's what I'm thinking when I look outside. I'm choosing to make this as good a day as I can. Once I do some yoga, go for a run, it'll be good.
"I Don't Need an Analyst, I Need Lost & Found."
In the 1975 film "Prisoner of Second Avenue," starring Jack Lemmon and Anne Bancroft, Lemmon's character shouts, "I don't need an analyst, I need lost & found." I thought how profound.
So Much Stuff and Not enough Substance
An observation if you will - What makes so many of us strive for the conventional?
Energy When it Flows
This week has been quite interesting.
n u m b
Lately I've been very aware in my observation of people that although we seem to be out there in the world, we seem to be very isolated. Isolated and distracted. I'm not sure why that is. We want human contact with people and yet we're so distracted by inanimate objects. To the point of being ridiculous.
Defined as "In a state of complete confusion and disorder." Yep, that's it. Holiday's are over and the world is spinning at the speed of light.
Burn After Reading
"Making a Life, Not a Living." I love those words; trying to live by them however, is easier said then done.
This Just In ....
Alrightly now, revision to my New Year's resolution as this just in ... "Drink A Day May Keep Alzheimer's At Bay." Sarah Boesveld of the Globe and Mail reports, and I quote "If your New Year's resolution is to stop tippling, you may want to reconsider." She goes on to write, "People who have one to two alcoholic drinks a day are often at a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and dementia than their teetotalling peers, researchers concluded after analyzing 44 studies about moderate alcohol intake and its effect on the heart and the brain."
Just Breathe ...
2009 Brings Hope & Excitement
YES, WE CAN .... These 3 magical words evoked such hope, inspiration, excitement, and a chance for change. When Barack Obama was elected the next President of the United States the entire world took notice. It was as if their was new hope for unity in a world that had been divided for 8 long years. More to the point, their seems to be a renewed hope of possibilities for all of us; a positive energy, despite the economic challenges we currently face.