
Dream It, Realize It ...

My friend and I got together last night over a bottle of wine - and with a blank piece of paper we began our independent scribe of what it is we wanted to achieve in 2009. We needed to be descriptive, to write down the tangibles of what exactly we wanted, to the point of describing the look, taste, feel of the goal/desire.

As I'm going through the exercise I'm realizing how damn hard it is to describe exactly what it is that I want to achieve. I find myself being rather vague and inarticulate to the point where I wrote down ... "Work on being more articulate in what it is I want."

I can see how writing what you want down is helpful as it works on formulating in your minds eye exactly what it is you want to accomplish. With a clear goal and a step by step plan (ok, so they'll be a few glitches, hiccups along the way) you would be well on your way to making thing happen.

Ironically as we're writing down our goals, trying to be focused, we get side tracked and started talking about life happenings ... we eventually got back to pen and paper ... and soon realized that it would take more then a couple of hours to carve out our dreams for the year. So we took paper in hand, grabbed a cab and went to a pub.

My goal today is to continue writing out my 2009 goals! 

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