Happy Saturday!
Made with Love
I'm very interested in our global community. I feel a responsibility as an active participant in our world to help make a positive difference.
Don't compromise who you are. In an earlier blog I wrote discover what you like and do more of it. It's easy to fall into the trap of settling. I suspect we do this for fear of, well, for fear. If you break down the word - f.e.a.r, it could mean, false evidence appearing real. I didn't coin this, someone else did. It speaks volumes. Think about it. What are you afraid of? Almost everything that hasn't happened yet. We have vivid imaginations and can conjure up almost anything that may stop us from doing what we want.
Everything is Going to be All Right
Shooting for Less
"She's an executive on the move. But her career is taking her a little farther than she expected," reads the tag line for the film New in Town.
Serenity Now
T.G.I.F. I rarely say that. Mostly because it sounds so hick town. I'm such a snob. But, hey, truly get me out of dodge city and away from the conventional. My energy is waning. I feel like I'm being exposed to kryptonite.
The Silly Side of Life
First off - thanks Benny Greenberg at Ya-ttitude for inspiring me to use this picture. It's so appropriate.