
Shooting for Less

"She's an executive on the move. But her career is taking her a little farther than she expected," reads the tag line for the film New in Town.

This rings true to me. I have certain unrealistic expectations about myself that I know sets me up for disappointment.

As I reflect on my career in particular, it dawns on me that I need to revisit what it is that I'm doing. Chasing the golden egg so far has not been that satisfying. Although, I must say that I've been very fortunate. So there's no bashing here. I'm simply noting that the film industry has changed dramatically in so far as the business aspect has eclipsed the creative. 

Yesterday a friend of mine forwarded me an article from the Arts section of the Globe and Mail, caption reading "Shooting a 4-star film for $300,000." That always intrigues me, and my friend knows that it does. It reminds me of simpler times when you had an idea, you wrote the script, and shot the film. Have camera, will travel. No suits, no corporate interference, no loss of creative control, incidental negotiations, and everyone was thrilled to be part of the project. It was an adventure, a thrill, a creative collaboration.

I'm still very jived by most of what I do. I love working with people who are as excited about a project as I am. I work in comedy, so we're mostly laughing. It also affords me the opportunity to help others in the creative field. Being able to help discover a talented writer or actor to help move their career along is fulfilling to me.

Reflecting on what I've just typed has me realizing that maybe in order for me to get back the buzz I need to shake up the palette a little .... hmmmm, there is this smaller budget film that I'm interested in ....

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