
Serenity Now

T.G.I.F. I rarely say that. Mostly because it sounds so hick town. I'm such a snob. But, hey, truly get me out of dodge city and away from the conventional. My energy is waning. I feel like I'm being exposed to kryptonite.

WTF is going on out there? I said this earlier in the week. It feels like a force greater then myself, is dragging me into the abyss. I laugh because just weeks ago I had a creative surge that seemed to be unstoppable. Well, I certainly have found the brakes this week.

Ok, that's it, enough of this feeling, I'm taking back the control. I'm going to get a good nights rest, recharge and then get right back out there with a fresh perspective and a new POV.

It doesn't hurt that I'm taking off the middle of next week for a little r & r to a warm climate. A short trip, but it'll be so worth it.

Tomorrow is another day. I will be back to you with a new frame of mind. Maybe as soon as tomorrow!

Be well and I'll catch you on the flip side.                

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  1. I love reading stories like this, real and honest.
    I am a Zen practitioner and I am striving to be and act enlightened.
    I love being in the "zone" where everything I do or say is just right but then some how I step off the enlightened path and everything seems to go awry.
    So I go back to my meditation practice and recharge again!
    Thank you for sharing!
    Be loved!

  2. Ah! So Buddha has found you too! His comment reminds me to go back to my meditation practice. The title of your post speaks one of my favorite, if not my absolute most favorite, words: serenity. I hope you've found some of that this weekend and feel refreshed!
