
Humanity For All!

I'm in a better space. I've reassessed what makes me nuts, and truly in the big picture, it's no big whoop.

Funny how life's circumstances get the better of you.

This doesn't necessarily mean that I won't be back on this blog ranting again, however I do recognize how self-absorbed I'm being when I do. The good news is, that I have no trouble laughing at myself when it happens!

Thanks for listening. I'm off to help do my part to save the world now ....

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  1. oh my....if we can't rant to each other on these blogs then we'll end up taking it out on the people in our lives who's feelings get all bent out of shape. so rant and rave on, girl...and we'll do the same. :-)

  2. Thank you "cctjt." You're always so insightful and great to lend a sound voice (key stroke) to an otherwise loud brain screaming in my head from all directions! You're great!

  3. Don't give up ranting altogether - haha - it's like doing sound checks for a band! Glad you have awareness of what makes you nuts. I do too. I still get nuts! It's ok. I figure at my age at least I know I'm still alive if I have something to scream about!
